In the run-up to the last presidential election, the false accusations, totally deceiving ads (not even mentioning Swift Boat Veterans for Truth) and dubious news sources, etc., made it extremely difficult to verify the credibility of anything said or reported.
That's when I found "FactCheck.org". This is truly a non-partisan information center for political fact-checking.
"The Annenberg Political Fact Check is a project of the Annenberg Public Policy Center of the University of Pennsylvania. The APPC was established by publisher and philanthropist Walter Annenberg in 1994 to create a community of scholars within the University of Pennsylvania that would address public policy issues at the local, state, and federal levels."
I recommend checking out this site and either subscribing to their newsletters or adding their feed in preparation for the upcoming primaries (or/and caucuses) and the presidential election.
Friday, January 25, 2008
Presidential Race -- Truth, Fiction, Myth or Subterfuge?
Posted by
12:09 PM
Labels: elections, fact checking, President
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Thanks for the good post, Shadow Girl!
There's also another reliable fact checker located at:
Love the Truth-o-Meter and the section where they disect the those chain email letters!
I meant to type "dissect"!
I have seen this web site before. It has been long overdue with regards to American Politics.
One of the great things about the internet is that pretty much anyone can start their own blog or web page but unfortunately thats one of the worst things about the internet as well, since some choose to lie to minipulate public opinion.
I predict that the Right Wing will continue to attempt to "swiftboat" either Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama in 2008 once they know who the Democratic nominee will be. They are already making assertions that Obama is a closet radical muslim. Pathetic!
The difference this time around thankfully, whomever the Democratic nominee, is they will not take the Kerry approach and remain silent and take it lying down! This is what I believe cost him the election in 2004.
I am so glad that the WORST PRESIDENT in US history will be out of office in less than a year!
I take it that is YOUR opinion Beatledawg. oh I'll admit others hold that too, but there are also those who THANK that same president for keeping the terrorists at bay as long as he has. I could say a lot more but it would do no good as people with closed minds never listen or look at the big picture, they think they are the only ones whose opinion counts. Anon
That is MY opinion...but remember Saddam wasn't responsible for 911 and the terrorism in Iraq didn't rev up until we changed our focus from Afghanastan to Iraq. I will add that I was in favor of going into Afghanastan after 9/11.
Here are some facts however about the guy your probably voted for twice....and I will just stick with numbers.... $9,203,409,388.699.21 = a national debt that has tripled since GW has been in office, 88,000 documented Iraqi civilian deaths (1,168,058 is the estimate), 3943 US soldiers killed (and counting), 28,770 US soldiers wounded, 17 = the number of existing oil fields that the Iraqi National Oil Company would retain control of vs the 63 fields that would be handed over to US and Euprpean oil companies if President Bush gets his way and convinces the Iraqi Parliament to pass this law. 935 false statements made by the Bush Administration in relation to Saddam Hussein and Iraq.
I could go on but I don't have all day. You can say that my mind is closed and I don't look at the big picture but I think the picture is bigger than you think.
why is it that the people who like Bush supposedly have open minds and those who dont like him have 'closed' minds? curious.
Your 2/1 post is right on: just give people the facts. If the truth isn't sufficient, ignorance truly is bliss.
Here are my two cents. It is just luck that we haven't been attacked big time since 2001. When you consider how open our borders are, the fact that only 5-10% of containers on our aircraft and ships are checked, when semi-trucks are now allowed to freely come into the US from Mexico, when a million illegal immigrants per year can cross the border, hey it is just pure luck.
It doesn't matter if you are a Democrat or a Republican. I just don't know many who aren't going to be celebrating 348 days from now for many reasons- he's gone.....Thank God he and Dickie are gone!
This president has done more to harm our nation's national security than any spy, traitor or incompetent military commander has ever done in the history of this country.
He has done more to harm our future financial well being than all other presidents combined.
He has done more harm to our standing in the world than any president in modern history.
He has done more to degrade our military since any president in modern history.
He wants to torture prisoners to extract confessions just like the Japanese and Germans did in WWII. Today, he chose to Veto the waterboarding bill.
He has violated the 4th Amendment to the Constitution by wiretapping domestic phone conversations without probable cause or warrants.
Even with all this, he has been a total failure in his ability to bring to justice Bin Laden & Co.
He can't get these handful of terrorists even though he's spent trillions trying to do it. He and the Republicans real motivation has been to enrich their friends through no bid contracts justifying it with national security. He's hiding behind the telecoms to save his own a$$ because he's guilty of violating the law.
Thank God he hasn't had an affair, otherwise we'd have to impeach him. This man and his supporters are the walking definition of traitors. Their egos can't let themselves admit they are wrong, and their rationalizations are what is dragging this country's policies into the same gutter as any two bit dictator.
Your comments are right on the money. I will give George Bush credit for one thing......he forced me, for the first time in my life, to start paying attention and look at the big picture.
To see what this administration has done to the people of this country and the Constitution makes me sick.
Isn't it amazing that so many people were up in arms about Bill Clinton having sex with an intern, and yet they sit passivly while the middle class and future generations are robbed blind by George Bush?
hoo boy! I can't believe the venom I have just read. I see if people don't agree with what you say Bealedawg there must be something wrong with them. Isn't a lot of this crap about the same as what has been said about past presidents? Why don't you wake up and understand that we need changes in all parts of the government? The House and Senate are just as crappy as you claim GWB and Dick Cheney are. For Pete's sake they are all politicians.
You might be surprised on how much you and I agree on when it comes to politics and politicians.
I have to say however that George Bush and Co. has pretty much taken the cake when it comes to incompetence, corruption and stomping on the constitution. My opinion......but an opinion that is currently shared by about 81% of Americans.
Maybe if you list all of the great things he has accomplished in the last 7 1/2 years you might make a believer out of me.
Right now, 41 GOP Senators want about $100 Billion worth of tax cuts. They want to forgo the revived Senate Rule "pay-as-you-go" as basic budget discipline that was in effect in 1990 but allowed to lapse by Republican Congresses after 1994 because it made tax cutting more difficult. Democrats revived the rule after regaining control in 2007. Pay-as-you-go doesn't pretend to end deficit spending, but it helps stop things from getting worse. It says that if Congress wants to cut taxes or add benefits to an entitlement program such as Social Security or Medicare, it has to offset the cost, either by cutting a benefit program or raising a tax. The nation is already running $400 Billion annual deficits, and 41 Republicans want to stack an additional $100 Billion on top of that. Congressional Republicans have often held themselves out as the nation's best hope for fiscal discipline. One of the main planks of the 1994 campaign, the "Contract with America" included a balanced budget amendment to the Constitution "to restore fiscal responsibility to an out-of-control Congress, requiring them to live under the same budget constraints as families and businesses." Apparently they were talking about families that survive by maxing out their credit cards! In 2000 when the Republican Congress and President Bush took over, we had a $236 Billion surplus. Two years later the surplus was gone and we now have a $407 Billion deficit. Perhaps the biggest accomplishment of the Democratic Congress which took over in 2007 has been keeping the Republicans from stacking onto the out-of-control debt by enforcing the "pay-as-you-go" discipline.
There you go confusing everyone with facts! You forgot to mention the national debt tripled in the last 7 1/2 years too!
Yes Beatledawg, I did. "In 2000 when the Republican Congress and President Bush took over, we had a $236 Billion surplus. Two years later the surplus was gone and we now have a $407 Billion deficit."
It appears to me that by adding the surplus and deficit, $643 Billion was overspent by the Republican congress and President Bush..
So, what's there not to understand?
I stand corrected.....I was under the impression that the budget deficit and the national debt were different animals.
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