Saturday, July 5, 2008

Mayor David Poucher and the White Salmon Pool

My children have passes to the white Salmon Pool again this year after a bad experience last year with a very irresponsible staff. They have used their pass two times when another kid rummaged through everyones belongings and stole items from everyone including my childs money.

I don't hold the city personally responsible for this but I do want to be refunded for the pass that we will no longer use. I called the Mayor numerous times with promise of a return call - nothing - finally he called and informed me that they do not issue refunds even if never used no exceptions. That policy is not written nor spoken when you purchase the passes.

I feel robbed by the City of White Salmon which in affect makes me feel very unsafe. Where is the city headed? What will they do next to make a buck? Unfortunatly I feel after speaking with our Mayor I feel he has no control over the city or he greatly encourages greed in our small town. I am losing hope for hummanity. Please everyone in this (what used to be a close friendly) city lets pull together and take our city back. thank you for reading this.

Mary England

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