Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Proposed restrictions anger resort planners

From The Columbian, Mon. Sept 03, 2007 BY KATHIE DURBIN, Columbian staff writer


squeakywheel said...

I'm really curious as to why the Gorge Commission felt that anything more than 20% full time occupancy (which would support the other commercial endeavors of the Broughton sight) was unacceptable. I would like to see a challenge to this by Spadero and Company or at least an agreement with the commissioners to up this to 30% in a few years with new units added if the preceived impact on White Salmon & Bingen was shown not to occur as the commission anticipates. People who buy with the intent of eventually living here full time wouldn't be able to do so under the current decision by the commissioners. Increasing the percentage over time would allow more people to buy with the intent of living here full time in the future.

Anonymous said...

I can easily understand why people would like to move to this area. I love it here also! we have done a lot of traveling but when we get back to the Columbia River my eyes fill with tears of joy. In my opinion we have the best climate of anywhere in America.
I do not like many things the Gorge Commission crams down our throats, I rode the bus to Stevenson when they had one of their first meetings to protest what they were doing. I don't think anyone has the right to tell people what they can't do with their own property. If that's the case they should pay the taxes on it rather than the propery owner.
I do oppose turning beautiful farm land into homes, but it isn't for me to say the property owner can't do that if that is their wish.
Blue Bell

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