Saturday, May 19, 2007

What's Happening at the Broughton Mill Site?

Broughton Mill is the site of a controversial development project in Underwood Wa. near the Spring Creek Fish Hatchery State Park and world famous windsurfing site. This is an issue of vital concern to everyone interested in maintaining the natural beauty of the Gorge, and who wish to continue enjoying this beautiful stretch of the Columbia River. Let us not allow this to become one more huge sell-out to huge developers at the expense of the majority of State Park users.

The property is owned by the Stevenson family, owner of the SDS lumber company and the Broughton family. The site was zoned to include 35 units and an RV park nestled in the woods. The current proposal is to expand it to almost 250units (it was going to be 450 units), that is over ten times the size that was planned in 1986 under the Columbia Gorge Scenic Act. A destination resort. It is being developed by a destination ski area. Think Aspen. Right here where we sail. Why did they call it a scenic area when they don't plan to keep it scenic? Our White Salmon City council has endorsed it as well as the Klickitat County Economic Development commission. Keep that traffic coming our way! Heck, there are 3 other 'commercial recreation' sites left to develop in the Gorge after this one. Lets add a Casino while we're at it. Think how valuable our land will be when we can sell out and move away. The Columbia Gorge Windsurf Assoc. CGWA is hoping to get some scraps from SDS by 'asking' for parking space for RVs so they won't be parking at the Hatch.

Check out this link to a local website on what's happening from a local point of view:

Here's a link to the p.r. from SDS/Broughton that the CGWA has posted on their website.
Broughton has information at
Here's a write-up on one of the Gorge Commission hearings:

Check out the discussion among windsurfers at:
To get on the Gorge Commissions mailing list go to:

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