Saturday, July 5, 2008

Mayor David Poucher and the White Salmon Pool

My children have passes to the white Salmon Pool again this year after a bad experience last year with a very irresponsible staff. They have used their pass two times when another kid rummaged through everyones belongings and stole items from everyone including my childs money.

I don't hold the city personally responsible for this but I do want to be refunded for the pass that we will no longer use. I called the Mayor numerous times with promise of a return call - nothing - finally he called and informed me that they do not issue refunds even if never used no exceptions. That policy is not written nor spoken when you purchase the passes.

I feel robbed by the City of White Salmon which in affect makes me feel very unsafe. Where is the city headed? What will they do next to make a buck? Unfortunatly I feel after speaking with our Mayor I feel he has no control over the city or he greatly encourages greed in our small town. I am losing hope for hummanity. Please everyone in this (what used to be a close friendly) city lets pull together and take our city back. thank you for reading this.

Mary England


linuxpoet said...

Although I can appreciate your frustration, I believe the city is correct in not issuing a refund.

Your personal belongings are your responsibility. When my family and I go, we take our belongings with us. We do not leave them in the locker room. We also watch our belongings as we swim. Not like a hawk mind you but at least enough to know that they are there.

In your third paragraph you say, "Please everyone in this (what used to be a close friendly) city lets pull together and take our city back. thank you for reading this."

We have lived in White Salmon for only a year but we find the place very pleasant and very friendly. However there is always ways to improve.

I ask, "What is your call to action?". If you truly want people to stand up and do something, you must define what that something is.

Perhaps as a single gesture instead of posting a complaint, you can post a solution? Did you by chance offer to volunteer as a general helper at the pool to help make sure this type of things doesn't happen again?

ShadowGirl said...


I know it can be very frustrating and maddening when one’s trust and possessions are violated. I just think that not using the pool for the remainder of the season makes thing worse, especially for your children. It’s like punishing your children for something they weren’t responsible for.

Do reconsider and come back to the pool. A lot of people have gone out of their way and made generous contributions so the children of White Salmon could enjoy this very special summer treat.

Anonymous said...

I have never heard of a city being held responsible for theft of ones personaal belongings.

Anonymous said...

If everyone's stuff was or is rummaged through and you know the kids identity- well the solution is kind of a no brainer.

Anonymous said...

You know basket lockers are not that expensive.....I would be willing to help raise funds and we could donate some basket lockers to the pool so we could eliviate the exposure.

People could supply their own locks when they come to the pool and feel like their stuff is safe. Don't boycot the pool because some idiot ripped you off, let's fix the problem! If this is something you might be interested in give me a call.....509-493-5269.

Jonathan Blake
White Salmon

* said...

Anonymous said...

You're right. We used to be a close and friendly town, and we still are--close and friendly with the people that we know and grew up with. See, if when as a kid I stole something from the pool and got caught, then they would tell my uncle. Then I would have been some world of trouble. Now, because people from every where else come to live here(like you), they bring a lack of real community. The way they think of community is on a larger scale, and it lacks responsibility when the population begins to increase. If anyone has ever modeled the population in the PC game called "SIMS" then they will know what I'm talking about. So, if you want to "take our city back", then I guess you'll be the first ones to leave. Either that, or just don't try to offer counseling in lieu of jail time when those punk ass kids get caught.

Unknown said...

I just think that not using the pool for the remainder of the season makes thing worse...
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Anonymous said...

linuxpoet has a point.

you need to make logical sense.

you can't just blame.

you need to do things that will help instead of finger point.

Anonymous said...

you are absurd. Your blog and ridiculous posts on it make me feel unsafe in this town knowing i may have to have dealings with you or that my children may have to encounter you when they are out. The fact that you name your blog White Salmon Blog implies that you represent our town. Please rename it Ridiculous persons blog who lives in White Salmon and who is of the minority opinion.

Anonymous said...

how entirely bizarre. Hope the salmon r running free and clear of a dam...or a damn for that matter.

Sincerely, the usual suspect.

PS: If the post -alumni thing jpg wasn't bogus- tell him I m srry I culd not attend- and that - the a4mentioned is y.

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